Friday, August 24, 2018

How to do it all...

So No, I'm not that stuck up I definitely don't do it all.

Hi Guys,

Hope you are having a fab week.  I wanted to talk about those mums that have it all, the clean house, the perfect hair, job, kids, body. How do you actually do it?

I am struggling, I love my kids, but after a full day of work dealing with incompetent people, stressing about how to make a healthy dinner, the last thing I have energy for is to actually do anything fun with them when we get home.

But, what I have realised that it is not exactly what you do with them or that they don't have a gluten free, fat free, sugar free dinner ready.  It's about the little moments.  Dancing to 'Let it Go' for the 100th time in her new Elsa dress or doing five situps with Adeline and making her giggle until se is read (which is hard for a black baby) but those, those are the memories that will stick and form the forever bond that you see in the movies.

So instead of being on your phone (100% I'm guilty for) getup and dance, put on baby shark and sing like the silliest person in the room, because believe it or not that IS what I look forward to now, now that I have changed MY mindset.

It has taken the last 8 months for me to change mine.  Going back to full-time for when my baby was only four months old.  Missing the first time she crawled or stood up and spending my days smelling the last of that beautiful baby smell is not what she will remember. It's the love that is shown in going back to work, spending 30 minutes with my undivided attention on her, making memories.

I m here formy girl, no matter what and I hope that I can show them that no matter hat life throughs at them I will always be there, and if you make sacrifices for the ones that you love you will be rewarded.

Lots of thinking to be done tonight.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

New Week, New Me...

Hi Guys,

So every Sunday night I get this feeling, that I need to reorganise my life.  For some reason writing down what I need to do for the week or plan outings with the family, make me feel better.

I am currently seeing a psychologist for PTSD and Post-Natal Depression/Anxiety.  Being a mum you put so much pressure on yourself, 'have you done enough education for the day', 'have they eaten enough veggies', ' is the house clean enough'. Writing down my list and or planning out my week seems to take some of this pressure off.  Even down to meal planning, which in turn, helps us save money on groceries, helps my brain as all I need to do daily is to make sure that the meat is defrosted so that I can put it in the slow cooker.

Does anyone else feel like this? This constant pressure is exhausting, I am always tired of trying to be perfect, and when I do not live up too my own unrealistic expectations, I beat myself up about it all.

Now in saying all of the above, I do need to make some healthier lifestyle changes, I need to exercise more and eat better so that I can keep up with my girls.  I do not want them to be embarrassed to introduce me to their friends as they get older as being the fat slob of a mum.

So this week, is planned out, dinners, outings and activities, and I am going to try my hardest to wake up early and listen to a podcast or tune out to some music and go for a run/walk.  Drink more water to flush out my system and to take my medication (I always forget :\).  I need to keep myself accountable, so on top of this, I am going to try and Vlog everyday including my workouts and what I eat.  I would also like to do a weekly update as to how the last week has gone.

I would love to hear from other mum's who feel like this? and some solutions as to how to get pas these feelings.

Thanks for reading :)
