Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Savvy Mummy!

Hi guys,

So I am wanting to start a new series called the Savvy Mummy.  This post today will be about groceries and new recipes and how I organise our meals for the week.

1. Sit down with your family and talk about what they like and dislike.
For this my husband and I do this on date night.  Before we get "into" the evening.  I take out my table and recipe books and see what he feels like, because there is nothing more frustrating for me to have bits and pieces in the fridge and it's 5:30pm on a Thursday night and have no idea what to cook. So to help I make sure I have a meal plan.  I count out how many meals we will need for the week, taking into account both family dinners and any nights out we may have.  Then I make a list of all the ingredients, taking out what I already have in the house from the week before.  I then add some basics for our lunches and breakfast and I am good to go.

2. Go to fresh produce markets.
Yes, I know the last thing you want to do on a Sunday morning is to get out of your nice comfy warm bed and get dressed and go to the markets but trust me it is worth it.  The fresh vegies and fruit taste so amazing to the stuff you buy the grocery stores.  I spend on average about $30 for the week on fresh produce and that lasts us for the week with some stuff left over.  Now, my husband hates his vegies, but I make sure that there is at least half a plate with every dinner and I eat a salad almost everyday for lunch, so we actually get a lot out of this.

3. Shop wisely.
While doing lists, make sure you also take into account what is in season at the moment because buying a Cauliflower just because it is in a recipe for $6 does not fly with me. Become creative. I had cauliflower on my list to make mash however it was WAY to expensive so instead I made Potato and Pea mash. Still healthy and cost about $2. WIN!!

I know this stuff is common sense but hopefully someone out there will find it useful.  You don't need to have anything fancy.  See my list for this week below.

Hope this was helpful and if you have anything that you would like me to write about please leave a comment below.

Have a great day and stay Positive.

xoxox Marissa

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